Prioritizing YOU!

Happy Thursday, Everyone!!!


In a day and age where everyone wants things instantly: food, answers, money, rewards,love... you name it, it can be pretty frustrating. Frustrating? Yes, especially, when you are expected to be everything to everyone instantly.  This is not only impossible but it is dangerous to your mindset about yourself.  

Have you ever felt like you give so much that you no longer value yourself and the importance of caring for you?  Well, this is common.  However, today, I want to share with you some points that are helpful when prioritizing YOU. It helps you to be OK with YOU meaning you take the steps to put you first. Self-care is imperative! It is necessary!!! Have you ever heard, you cannot give from an empty vessel?  I know I have, but BOY have I tried even when I was completely depleted of my strength and desire.  

Here are 5 things you can begin today that will change your life:

1. SCHEDULE TIME DAILY/WEEKLY THAT IS SOLELY DESIGNATED FOR YOU.  It can be quiet time/meditation, Zumba, a spa day, a hike, a movie date for one, or even siting in the park "people watching."  You choose the activity, but make sure it is what you want to do and be sure to enjoy every moment of it.  

2.  BECOME FRIENDS WITH YOURSELF.  Learn to enjoy being alone especially if you find yourself catering to others every time you are with someone.  Your time alone is about learning about your wants, desires, dislikes, dreams, and hopes.  It is about reestablishing your self-worth and reclaiming your commitment to YOURSELF.  Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn to correct yourself. Learn to be friends with yourself.  

3. ESTABLISH A HOBBY. Hobbies are one of the best things that will help in addressing stress.  For me, I enjoy crocheting.  Crocheting can be cathartic.  From the moment I begin crocheting the stress is instantly released through my hands.  Hobbies can serve as a form of grounding yourself mentally.  It is a time of peace.  That time is yours.  

4. ACCOUNTABILITY IS NECESSARY.   Accountability to yourself is making sure that whatever  you decide to do for YOU actually takes place.  It may be helpful to select one or two friends/loved ones who can check in with you to make sure you are holding to your commitment until it becomes habit. 

5. DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR TAKING CARE OF YOU! From the very moment you establish a plan of action on the Journey of YOU, do not feel bad about any part of it.  If someone reaches out to ask a favor and it is during your "YOU" time, it is okay to say that you are not available.  You do not owe anyone an apology for taking care of YOU.  Once you resolve this in your mind, your self-care and commitment to life will improve tremendously. 

These 5 steps are just the beginning to a better and stronger YOU.  Let the work begin!!!! 

-SELAH (Pause. Reflect. Revive)