The New Normal (The Great Reacclimation)

Authored by: Brittany (Clinical Social Work Intern)

788 days. 2 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, 4 days and counting. March 13th, 2020 was the day that changed the way we think, live, and feel. We were stopped in our tracks and what felt like frozen in time. We thought we were getting a break from the rush of life but that break never ended. Many of us lost jobs, lost homes, lost loved ones, lost ourselves, and lost things we don't speak about. This is the first time you guys will hear what's on my heart and on my mind but it won't be the last, so I hope you'll stick around.

The fact of the matter is that COVID is becoming more manageable day by day, which means that many of us (including myself) are getting back to normal. But, what is normal? Our lives have been completely changed and it can be difficult getting back into the swing of things and recreating our lives post-pandemic. It is easy to think that we can get back to our “normal” lives, but nothing about these last 2 years has been normal and we are all changed. It can be stressful and traumatic moving forward from something like this but here are some tips to help get you reacclimated. Try some out, it might change your life.

1. Get outside

Be with nature, breath, refocus and realign. Being in fresh air can help ground you and bring you back to the present moment while recognizing the beauty of the world.

2. Reconnect with loved ones

While we are still in a pandemic, research shows us that positive COVID rates are decreasing and things are a little safer. Connect with your loved ones in safe ways. Try connecting over zoom or outside!

3. Stay in the know

Be aware of your surroundings, be aware of the restrictions, rules, and regulations in your area. Having accurate information can ease anxieties and make for less stressful days.

4. Grieve properly

We have all lost things and not just due to death. It can be hard to lose things that had such an impact on us. It is okay to have feelings about it. Feel them, let them run their course. Reach out to friends and family, talk about it, journal…just get it out.

5. Practice Self-Care

Take a few moments to prioritize yourself. Doing things to take care of yourself each day, such as taking a bath, listening to music, eating healthy food, and getting enough sleep. These habits can help build confidence, resilience, and health.

6. Take a break

As life continues to go back to normal. Remember to take a break and pause. Taking a break is sometimes essential to being your best self. Do not feel guilty for taking a step away and refocusing.

7. Find a new hobby

Finding new things that you enjoy can help distract you from the stressors of life. Doing things that you enjoy can be motivating and can help ground you.

8. Establish a routine

Many daily routines have changed due to COVID-19. Structure and routine can be beneficial and calming. Creating a new normal with enjoyable and practical tasks can help foster resiliency to change and chaos. Mindfully creating lists and events such as starting your morning with a cup of tea or coffee can help get your day started.

9. Practice mindfulness

Acknowledging and accepting the present moment. Being aware of where you are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually and acting accordingly. Take recognition of your thoughts and feeling. Mindfulness and meditation are great ways to relieve stress